Hope that festival preparations have started at your end and
you are brewing up ideas for this Diwali. Oh yes, I have started to lighten up
the glow of Diwali by small bursts of twinkling diyas and overload of brass.
After all, putting on a play of lighting and swapping out accessories in every
corner is a full proof formula to beckon the festival ;).
It really gets busy during diwali so instead of taking time out for a blog post with a
busy schedule of Diwali, I had decided to share all the Diwali posts on the social feeds of Facebook & Instagram only last year. However, before I kick start this year's Diwali preparations, I wanted to give you a round up of Diwali 2019 decor we did at our home.
Taking you along with our last year's Diwali decor. Brass, as you all know, still reigns supreme in my all décor and our entry way is a perfect winning location to display all...after all the first impression does matter. Welcome to our grand entryway. However, this wall has been transformed totally. As this year we tweaked this powerful bold gold to another color (cedar green) by swapping, switching and adding few wall frames around. 
This wall has always been festive ready in our home but decorating with special touches adds the thrill at the entry for the atmosphere of a celebration. Hope you enjoy your stay here and take some inspiration along for your own Diwali decor this year.
I don’t know about you but the festive season always seems to sneak up on me every year (24 hours aren’t enough). Suddenly I am knee deep in to-do lists with limited time. It definitely takes a certain amount of planning (read stress) to have a successful Diwali ready home but frankly that’s part of the fun.
Taking you forward to our under the stairs setting where I usually place our rangoli. Until I put up rangoli (coming up soon) here, the setting constantly reminds us of the glorious touches of the festive season. The irony of using brass cannot be missed when it comes to power game of festive décor.
Diwali makes me go an extra mile and throw in some clever touches with glamorous effects to be a total show-off. Here are the portraits of our living room with diverse style, colors, accoutrements and ambience that exemplifies how small personal touches can bring charm to make your home look welcoming and festive ready this season.

Wanted to draw your closer attention to the pieces I received from Divine India Each piece is exquisite and perfectly falls in the rhythm of my decor style with ease. I also wanted to point out to that big brass pot (that I acquired from Facebook marketplace) is used as a side table by placing a tray atop. With the pieces from Divine India, it was quite easy for me to pull the overall Diwali look in our living room last year.
And we ended Diwali hubbub last year with a wonderful "Annakoot" celebration at home with friends and families who joined us from far and wide.
Here are the decor pictures of the celebration. For someone like me who believes in a traditional approach it was just perfect to inject some "desi" touches with blissful colors to support the occasion.
It was an eventful yet equally tiring celebration...by the way, the bell decor is a DIY. I married Christmas bells to marigold strings for this look.
Red and gold are the Diwali classics and can easily kick up a notch in any décor. I also sizzled up the foyer console table here with some exciting changes by mixing modern and vintage pieces. Staging of small pieces in a bunch can give you a power of a large display.
As I end this post with our last year's Diwali celebration wishing you all that may the beauty of Diwali fill your home with happiness and may the coming years provide you all that brings joy in your life. Here is the last year's rangoli made with rice and food colors. The making of the same is up on my Youtube Video here.
This was all about last year. Get ready to absorb all the eye candy coming your way this year also, as I will be sharing more videos and pictures of Diwali styling on my social feeds. Stay connected there until we meet again here, toodles!